The G7-67 is an advanced GPS tracker in a waterproof magnetic housing containing a 6700mAh 4-6wks battery life, internal rear Nd magnets, and a 2G/3G modem. It uses the Trackserver app and web-app.
It comes with a pre-installed SIM card, and is ready to use when powered on. It has a 25mm square internal ceramic GPS antenna.
It has internal memory cache capacity for up to 10,000 position reports for when the GPRS/GSM connection is lost, with automatic upload on re-connection to phone networks.
Its compact size allows it to be easily placed or hidden. It has a IP6x waterproof housing.
On its front end, it has a flush magnetic charging port with corresponding magnetic USB-A charging cable. It supports the range of alert options capable of messaging up to 3 contact details, as specified in the Settings page by either SMS or email.
5 Operating modes
There is a selection of operating modes available designed to lengthen the battery life and make a tracker less locatable using a scanning tool. These are:
- Normal mode - tracker reports its location at the selected time interval when moving, and every 4hrs when not moving;
- Eco mode - tracker powers off completely and wakens to report its location at a selected time interval (30m-24h), then powers off until next scheduled time;
- Park mode - tracker semi-sleeps until it detects motion, whereupon it reports at a selected time interval until it detects non-motion, whereupon it semi-sleeps again;
- Flight mode - tracker completely powers off for a specified number or hours, after which it powers on and reverts to Normal mode;
- Pursuit mode - tracker reports its location at a selected time interval and does not stop doing so when it stops (detects non-motion)
- Log mode - tracker logs and internally stores location information for a specified number of hours, after which it uploads the data to the server.
General characteristics
Weight: 245g and 310g including charge cable and mains charger.
Dimensions: Length=86mm; Width=50mm; Depth=45mm
Battery: Lithium polymer (LiPo) 6700mAh 3.7V / 4-6 weeks autonomous power.
Charging voltage: 4.75 - 5.25V
Each device comes with pre-installed PAYG subscription for immediate usage.
Quad-band operation 850/900/1800/1900MHz
Reception - rapid: TTFF (Time To First Fix): 29s (cold start unobstructed sky), 1s (hot start - already started)
Precision: +/- 2.5m after first report when warmed up and with a strong GPS signal.
Motion detection: 3 axis accelerometer: 8g
Electrical interface: Custom 4 terminal magnetic coupling
Charger: Mains charger included (3 pin for Ireland/UK)
On/Off button: None.
Remote access from TrackServer interfaces allows users to:
- set the frequency for position reporting;
- view the emergency/panic button status, if applicable;
- define a Geo-Fence zone(s) and turn it/them On/Off;
- turn On/Off (Arm/Disarm) the Motion detecion function
- send commands (SMS) to the tracker to change settings;
- to set contact details of the alert recipients.
For full control of the device's settings, see the How To section on TrackServer-Desktop for more detail. For mobile access and partial control of the device's settings using the TrackServer Mobile interface, see the How To section on ...using the Track Panel-Mobile.